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Pride and Prejudice and Bad Writing
Suzanne Press Suzanne Press

Pride and Prejudice and Bad Writing

What happens when you try to make a movie adaptation of a famous book but you don’t really understand the core material nor have you figured out exactly what the intention of the plot was? Naturally, you get a Hallmark movie... or two in this case.

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“I was shocked to see all the mistakes you’d made … Do you really think you’re fit to run a whole kingdom”
Suzanne Press Suzanne Press

“I was shocked to see all the mistakes you’d made … Do you really think you’re fit to run a whole kingdom”

One of the best aspects of Lore Olympus is its portrayal of a wide range of relationship dynamics. This includes the example of the parent-child bond between Demeter and Persephone, which is characterized by child maltreatment including manipulation, control, and isolation. Their relationship has an adverse impact on Persephone’s wellbeing and understanding of the world.

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‘You are here to play a game on which your life depends’
Suzanne Press Suzanne Press

‘You are here to play a game on which your life depends’

In Death Parade, Decim questions whether he can accurately judge humans without understanding their nuanced emotions. With Chiyuki as a proxy, Decim realises that the lines between right and wrong are not always clear-cut and moral judgements are limited by a lack of empathy and compassion. In turn, the viewer, too, is invited to contemplate moral decision making.

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Navigating Love, Loss, and Lifetimes
Suzanne Press Suzanne Press

Navigating Love, Loss, and Lifetimes

Reincarnation with a twist in See You in My 19th Life. Our review tells you all about why you should read the webtoon and definitely not watch the Netflix adaptation.

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Happy New York…Wait, Sorry! Happy New Year!
Suzanne Press Suzanne Press

Happy New York…Wait, Sorry! Happy New Year!

Following the middling success of Valentine’s Day (2010) Garry Marshall and Kathrine Fugate were undeterred and tricked a whole new all-star cast onto the set of New Year’s Eve. Let’s take a look at our New Year’s couples and see what, if anything, happens on this romp through the Big Apple…

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The Glory-ous Ms Moon and the Taste of Revenge
Suzanne Press Suzanne Press

The Glory-ous Ms Moon and the Taste of Revenge

While revenge stories are satisfying to watch, especially when one character overcomes all odds to succeed in a world that is rarely fair, most vigilante protagonists are perpetuating the cycle of violence that started their path to vengeance.

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